HomeBlogNakta hill Jharkhand: Tourist attraction in Jharkhand

Nakta hill Jharkhand: Tourist attraction in Jharkhand

Nakta hill is located in Mccluskieganj of Jharkhand. It is 60 km away from the state capital Ranchi. A river called Sapahi originates from this hill. Trekking can be enjoyed on Nakta hill. If you want to enjoy trekking, then this place is best for you.

If you are planning to go to Nakta hill, then before going you must get information related to the hill. In this article, important information related to Nakta hill has been given which is necessary to know.

It is called Jharkhand’s Mini London

Due to the beauty of Nakta hill, it is called the Mini London of Jharkhand. The Nakta hill in Mccluskieganj is famous for its beauty as well as for religious reasons. In ancient times, about 400 Anglo-Indians lived in Mccluskieganj. 

Nakata Hill is famous for

Nakta hill is also famous for religious reasons. Let us tell you that there is a temple of Lord Shiva here which is considered very important.

This hill is situated amidst dense forests and is considered the best place for a picnic. When there is severe heat in Jharkhand, cool winds blow around it. Trekking can be enjoyed here in every season.

How to reach Nakata Hill 

To reach Nakta hill, first you have to reach Ranchi, the capital of Jharkhand, after that you can take a taxi or cab to reach Nakta hill in McCluskieganj and enjoy trekking.

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