HomeBlogViagogo Coldplay Tickets Book, Website, Reviews

Viagogo Coldplay Tickets Book, Website, Reviews

Viagogo Coldplay News: You must have seen many booking apps or websites for hotel booking, flight booking, train ticket booking, etc. but today we are going to tell you about such a website from where you can easily book tickets for live shows of Bollywood, Hollywood or any celebrity of the world or cricket stadium. The name of this website is Viagogo Coldplay. This website books tickets for shows happening in India or outside India and also shows you the location of the seat. Recently, it sold tickets for the match between India and Pakistan. However, this website is also accused of selling expensive tickets and this website has also been found violating many Indian laws including 2002. It was accused of selling tickets bought for ₹4000 to ₹5000 for the match between India and Pakistan for more than ₹200000, which is against Indian law and ticket rules.


Viagogo Coldplay does not have a good record of following the rules of law, this company is being sued in many areas, Viagogo Coldplay is a Switzerland based company which does the work of booking tickets on commission.
This statement is a complaint filed by Raghav Ahuja

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